Tuesday, June 19, 2007

One hundred and eighty roses

Malasay .com
Wanting to be in Harar, but stuck in Addis pretty much sums up my situation at the moment. Two of my luggage has made it through, two more are left. The computer that I use for editing videos is still among missing. I took brother Ilami's advise and spoke with a higher official at Ethiopian Airlines. They were much more sympathetic and helpful. The person I spoke with sent messages to the Washington office trying to trace the luggage. However, when they traced the luggage it showed that United Airlines never delivered the items to Ethiopian, but rather they sent it to London. I was skeptical about that explanation, until I saw the two luggage that arrived wrapped with British Airways tapes. It looks like the security officials in London ripped thru the luggage and wrapped it with plastic bags, and then wrapped it with tapes.

In any case, the positive thing that came out of the delay to my trip to Harar was witnessing how well the Addis branch of the Harar Millennium organizing committee was prepared to welcome the Hararis in the diaspora, as well as their mobilization efforts to get Hararis locally to participate in the celebration of Harar's Millennium. The reception they gave to Hararis that arrived from Canada via KLM on June 16th is testimonial to their well preparedness. One hundred and eighty roses were purchased to be given to each Harari that arrived on that day. Rose petals and sweet candies were toasted over the heads of the new arrivals (fola), as is the custom of Hararis when loved ones come from a long journey.

The atmosphere was joyous and festive. Hugs, kisses, smiles, and some tears were exchanged among relatives and friends. Several Hararis from Addis came to the airport to give ride or render any assistance that might be needed. Harar Travel and Tour also dispatched six of their mini-vans to give ride to the new comers.

Thank you Harar Travel and Tour for your courteous and professional services!

Just witnessing the welcoming ceremony in Addis makes one wonder what is awaiting in Harar!

Echoing Shaikh Abadir, let it be declared - "Hazuki ya Harar!!!"

The Federal State allowed the welcoming committees to enter all the way past the customs agents, and helped facilitate the process of passing through the customs. Extra security procedures were also taken by searching all vehicles entering the airport. My appreciations go to the federal government officials who made the colorful welcoming ceremony a possibility.


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