Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Harar Water Project in Progress. FB.com

As’salamu Aleykum all,

Good News

Harar Water Project in Progress.

As you all aware in September of 2007 Gursum Community raised its concern on the delay of Harar Water Project, and wrote a letter to the Harari State Administration.

Please find the attached official updated response from the Harari administration Water Project Manager Tawalada Abdosh. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Br. Tawalada Abdosh and Elias Abubeker who made an effort to give us un update on the subject matter.

We hope the project shall be completed on schedule and the Harari Administration will keep us posted.

Best regards,
Meftuh Shash

teweleda abdosh wrote:

Dear Br.Meftuh Shash
FBCGA Vice President

First of all we would like to thanks a lot for your concern and readiness to take part for the issues written on the newspaper. How ever, the truths about the article are as follows:
1. The story/article published on ‘Capital’ is too old. Because the interview was given to media during the Harar Millennium celebration whereby dozen of journalist including the Regional media together with national government and private broadcasting agency namely; WALTA, ENA, Radio FANA, ETV and from printing media Capital, Fortune, African Best Business Index weekly, Reporter, IRIN, Addis Admas and others, from international media BBC world service, AP, VOA and Voice of Germany Amharic service have been in Harar to report the events.
2. The interview was made in mid of July, 2007. All the above listed broadcasting and printing media were published the issues of Harar water supply on time. The interview was focused on uPVC purchased for town distribution network. At that time the Ethiopian custom duty requested to pay VAT and Surtax. We officially request to exempt the VAT and surtax payment. Unfortunately, it was late to respond on these issues and the issues publicized. However, the efforts made by Federal Ministry of Water Resource (MoWR) are request was accepted and all the uPVC were exempted and free from VAT and Surtax, accounted for amount of two million ETHB Birr.
3. We have doubt for the purchase of Electro-mechanical, pumps and generators there will be the same issues may rise. Even though, the purchases of these materials are on process in order to facilitate and not to requested in the same manner for the purchase of uPVC.
4. The issue of VAT and Surtax to be paid for the materials was reached our Prime Minister during his visit on Harar Millennium anniversary. During his stay at Harar one of the sites visited by the PM was the Harar water supply project. The Harari region president H.E Murad Abdulahadi addressed the issues of VAT and surtax requested by Custom Duty Authority, and the PM promise to solve the problem.
5. Following his officials visited, the MoWR take additional response to handle the issues and efforts are on progress and we have confidence on MoWR that they will exempt the VAT and Surtax.
Current Status of Harar Water Supply and Sanitation Project
ü Installations of main transmission line 60 km, 83% were completed. The remaining 12 km will be completed as scheduled.
ü Construction of pumping station (PS) 60 % completed.
ü Four additional new bore-hole drilled, the tested and potential well fields were i.e. 40 lit/sec resulted.
ü More than 4 million paid for compensation, along the transmission line and well field areas.
ü The procurement of Electro-mechanical, pumps and generators on progress.
ü uPVC for town distribution network delivered to site.
ü Sanitation study for Harar town on progress conducting by Metaferia Consulting Engineers.
ü Harar town distribution network and construction of reservoirs on progress.
ü Construction of new Harar water supply office building under tender process.

Best Regards
Teweleda Abdosh
Manager, Harari water supply and sewerage service Authority


Blogger fish said...

As we have read so many times.....for so many years...It is told that a lot of Birrs or Dollars is spent for the non-everlasting problems of our lovely city HARAR.
Where are the ongoing projects of the water supply? we need the facts?
we need the reality?
Jogel is not only the area in Harar.
What about the others?

Please lets do for our people.
Please if you have a comment you can contact me by

3:15 PM EST  

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