Friday, January 26, 2007

Is Harar 'the Forgotten City of Islam?'

Is Harar 'the Forgotten City of Islam?'
Will Connors
Middle East Times
January 25, 2007

DISHY HARAR: Harar, a city that is one of Ethiopia's Islamic jewels shows the encroaching signs of modern-day living. So far, Ethiopia's predominantly Christian government has done little to promote renewal and tourism here, chiefly for religious reasons.
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HARAR, Ethiopia -- Atop a narrow dirt road carved from sandstone, Ahmed Zekaria looks down, past cactus and fields of corn, toward the walled city of Harar. "This is my city," he says. "People need to know about this city."

As an historian and professor, but more importantly as a Harar native, Zekaria knows the significance of this place as well as any Ethiopian or Muslim scholar, and he is on a mission to call attention to the city, which to him is "the forgotten city of Islam."

Recently, Ahmed's job was made easier. In 2003 the city, 500 kilometers (about 311 miles) east of Ethiopia's capital Addis Ababa, was given a World City of Peace award by the United Nations, in honor of Harar's unique ability to accommodate many ethnicities in a small space without conflict, in a region often beset by tribal and border clashes.

Seventy-year-old Amina Adulahi, the great-great-granddaughter of the Harari king Abadir Shakur, believes the award to be well-deserved. "Harar is a city of love," the still-spry Amina says, bustling through the city's lovely environs, followed by her four beautiful daughters. "Regardless of religion or ethnicity, you can come to Harar and drink and eat in peace."

Shakib Djidawi, curator of the city's Rimbaud Museum, says: "Harar is like the Noah's Ark of culture. We have dark skinned people; light skinned people. Every Harari is multilingual, and they are very peaceful. Harar should be an example for the world - so many cultures coexist [here] peacefully."

More significant than the City of Peace award was the decision by the United Nations Education, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) to include Harar on its list of World Heritage sites this year, the seventh such distinction for Ethiopia. With this recognition, Harar's international profile should have risen dramatically. So far, though, it hasn't.

Special parliamentary representative to the city of Harar, Abdusamad Idris, says the city's oversight of the city has been largely due to the Ethiopian government's ill-will toward the city's Muslim community and the administration's efforts to suppress Harar's religious history.

"There is no promotion [carried out] by the central government for Harar; only for [Ethiopia's] northern cities," Abdusamad says, in reference to the tourism push for several historic Christian sites elsewhere in Ethiopia. He adds the government has "an agenda" to ignore Harar "because it's a Muslim city; they want it to be forgotten." What is crucial in letting the world know about this Ethiopian jewel therefore was indeed "promotion - from all sides. If the central government would only believe in it, believe that we are also Ethiopians, things could change."

According to Abdusamad, little is done to encourage Muslims from abroad to visit Harar because when "Muslims come to Ethiopia, the government puts them under suspicion. Questions from officials such as 'why are you going to Harar?' and 'why not travel to other parts of the country?' are common," says Abdusamad, concluding "it is not comfortable for Muslims to come here." He adds that "even with aid money, it is difficult for Arab countries," because "the [Ethiopian] government does not want to be associated with those countries."

Ethiopia is considered by most a Christian nation, chiefly because the ruling government is Christian, but according to many others, and to several studies, it has, in fact, a predominantly Muslim population. Some put the proportion of Muslims in Ethiopia as high as 65 percent. And the city of Harar represents a crucial part of Ethiopia's long history with Islam; its current status indicative of the role religion plays in government policies.

World officials all agree that Harar is an important Muslim city both because of its defiant and steadfastly religious pugnacity in the face of a growing Christian sovereignty hundreds of years ago, but also because it houses some 82 mosques and innumerable tombs within such a small area. Unfortunately, few agree on just how significant a role the city's Muslim roots should play in the country's self-promotion.

Harar has been cited by some as Islam's fourth holiest city, but the origins of this postulation are dubious, and invariably bring controversial reactions.

Ethiopia's supreme Islamic Council vice-president Sheikh Elias Redwan, who is also one of the country's leading voices of Islam, categorically denied this number. "We are very proud that Harar was named a UNESCO site," he said recently, "but the fourth holiest city? No."

However, Zekaria not only believes in such a ranking, but argues also that Harar should be listed even higher. He notes that before Islam traveled to Medina, the religion's second holiest city, it arrived in Ethiopia, where the country provided refuge for Muslims fleeing persecution in the time of the Prophet Mohammed.

"As far as I am concerned Ethiopia is the second home of Islam," he says. "Before it reached the [officially recognized] second city, Islam was here. So it ... may [even] be the first-and-a-half [most holy city], but not the second."

In light of Redwan's and the Islamic Council's denial of this claim, Ahmed offers a firm, measured response. "Forget them. They are not historians," he says, adding "they don't know what they are talking about." But he is swift to reassure that "we are not trying to get into religious provocations; we are simply trying to promote Harar."

Despite the efforts of those like Zekaria and Abdusamad to do so, despite UNESCO's distinctions, and despite a World Bank project to promote local handicrafts (which one official called 'sluggish' due to 'typical World Bank bureaucracy'), Harar has a long way to go to position itself as a world-class tourist destination.

In the past, local custom dictated that every homeowner cleaned the area surrounding their door, but few do so today. The once-spotless narrow streets are now lined with plastic bags and garbage, and the trash that does get collected is dumped directly outside the city walls, often into streams and riverbeds.

Satellite dishes protrude from almost every building within the walled city. Zekaria says that "the genie" of modern excess is "out of the bottle," and cultural preservationists are having a hard time keeping up. "The speed of change is beyond our comprehension," he says.

An apt illustration of the current state of Harar is the boyhood home of former emperor Haile Selassie. Selassie's father, Ras Mekonnen, was appointed governor of Harar after Prince Menelik (later the emperor) claimed the city in 1887. Unprotected and ignored, the residence is now in grave disrepair. According to locals, 20 families of squatters are currently living within its walls.

A Muslim holiday unique to Harar, however, shows that "the Living City" is by no means fading quietly away.

Showal Eid, the culmination of an extra six days of fasting in addition to Ramadan's original 30, is a buoyant affair that brings Hararis from all over Ethiopia and the world to the city's ancient walls.

Traditionally, the day was a celebration of breaking fast but also a time for young men and women to find their spouses. Singles members of both genders dressed in colorful, resplendent attire to attract attention, and marriage unions were widely organized.

Things are slightly less traditional today, but according to many who were out on the streets during this year's Showal Eid, the spouse-hunting element is alive and well.

Attendees noted that a significant number of well-dressed young people crowded the narrow roads, looking for - if not husbands and wives - at least boyfriends and girlfriends. Questioned about the holiday, one young man in a dark blue business-suit exclaimed, "I can't talk to you - I'm looking for my future wife - she could be out there right now!" The half-dozen young men at his side laughed and nodded in agreement. They, too, peered into the heart of the festivities in search of a beautiful Harari girl.

An older woman named Meftuha, holding her own in the dance-area of a large tent concurred that Showal Eid is a great holiday worthy of attention. "All [single] women who were previously just staying ... home alone come out to dance and to find a husband," she said. And she wasn't above looking a male visitor squarely in the eye, urging him to go out and do exactly the same. "This is the perfect chance for you to find a wife [so] get out there and dance ... now's your chance!"

Monday, January 22, 2007

Historical Shawal Eid in Harar 2006

Historical Shawal Eid in Harar 2006

Asalamu ^Alaykum my fellow Hararis,

I was in Ethiopia recently and wanted to share with you my observation in Harar, Dire-Dawa, and Addis Ababa, in chronological order.

The President of the Harari Regional Government, his Excellency, Murad Abdulhadi arranged a very important meeting for me while I was in Harar in my recent trips, and mate from 11:35 AM-2:15 PM with Gesi Zeydan Bakri, coordinating committee chairman as well as the head of Cultural & sport bureau Millennium, /July 2007, Gesi Mohammed Shash, Administrator for Harari Millennium/July 2007 event, Zamil Abdosh, Planning & program expert for Harari Millennium/July 2007 event, Gisti Sitimiyah Sharief, Program promotion expert for Harari Millennium/July 2007 event, subsequently I met Mayor ^Arief.

The agenda for the meeting was as follows:

1) Reviewing the readiness of July 2007 in Harar.
2) The role of Hararis in Diaspora,

First, Gesi Zeydan defined as to why the festivity was named “Harari Millennium.” He noted that there are some discussions going on among the Hararis in Diaspora regarding this issue. He said, "we are not coinciding with the Ethiopian Millennium project, he said Ethiopia is celebrating the 2000 history, where as, Harar is commemorating it’s over 1, 000 year history. He said they were not implying that the foundation of Harar is exactly 1,000 years, there is no question that there was settlement and civilization in that area for longer than that period. However, we are simply celebrating our "full reach of over 1,000 golden history." and he advised the Hararis not to spend their precious times in debating the issue of millennium, but rather he urged that they respond to the call of the motherland to come and celebrate the historic festivities with their fellow Hararis.

According to some Harari Historian, it's reported that in Ramadan 405 Hijri Aw Abadir
settled in Harar area. At that time there was no entity known as Harar. However, prior to Harar, there were various settlements in various areas such as Iskhanti gey, Tukhun gey, Khanti gey(Dakkar area)THESE ARE OLDER THAN Aw Abadir gey, which is Harar.

It was Aw Abadir who established a centralized settlement and trading posts - and named it Harar.

The name “Harar” corresponds to the year 405 Hijri which is the year in which Aw abadir first came to the area. in Abjad, the Arabic letter ‘ha’ being equivalent to 5, and the ‘ra’ being 200. (Ha Ra Ra corresponds to 5 + 200 + 200 = 405 Hijri).

Furthermore, to those who might need historical background on the Harari millennium; it’s sufficient to cite one simple evidence. The first Harari State Amir Habouba ruled from 969-999, and Amir Aw Abadir ruled from 999-1033 (European Calendar). As the President of Harar put it "we are not only celebrating the Harari sport part, rather we also wanted to promote our resourceful history to the whole world as well. Our main objective is not to exclusively celebrate our over 1,000 years of history, but rather to also focus in our future development, prosperity, and to enhance socially, economic development by engaging the participation of all Hararis & Harari State Government.

Also, please make a note that insha-Allah, there would be further discussion among Harari Historian at the symposium on the subject matter and share it with all Hararis, if you would like to participate or have any credible documentation please contact the Harari Government reps by March 15th, 07)

Note: 1st, the notion that we, the Harari State Government, have nothing with the Ethiopian Government is not the reality of our current confederated State with the rest of all Ethiopian States. As some of you might have heard, the Ethiopian Federal Government is preparing it’s 2,000 years (Millennium) activities, as the other Ethiopian confederated States participate, the Harari State will do it’s part, and share Harar’s contributions to the Ethiopian culture and it’s history.

2nd, The concept of celebrating the Millennium was first originated from the State of Harar, which the Ethiopian Federal Government follow Harar’s idea to celebrate the Ethiopian Millennium. Despite, all unnecessary controversial debate which initiated by some individuals on Harari internet, the basic fact is the Harari Government believe in promoting peace and democracy in Ethiopia, which means promoting the interest of the Harari people as well. The President’s message to all Hararis is to trust the Harari Government’s leadership, which is a democratically elected government by majority of its people to maintain & promote the interest of the Harari people.

Gesi, Mohammed Shash outlined his plan & vision as how best to execute the Harari Millennium a long with July 2007 Sport & Cultural event.

He outlined the guests that would be invited as follows:

1) Ethiopian Federal Government cabinet Min. and vice Min.; Parliament Members of the Federal Government of Ethiopia; as well as the Presidents of various State Gov. in Ethiopia
2) Foreign Ambassadors to Ethiopia
3) National & international NGO’s in Ethiopia;
4) All Regional Neighboring Government Presidents among others are invited.

The planning of the Harari Millennium July event is being planned as follows:

1) 10 Harari government bureau are taken specific project;
2) A special task force has been established in each of the nine (9) Kabele’s;
3) In, Dire-Dawa, & Addis Abeba, similar special task force is being established;
4) The Hararis in Australia, have informed the Harari Government that they have established "Moblizing Committee" with regard to Harar 2007 event;
5) The Harari Government official reps in U.S. & Canada are reviewing appropriate methods to mobilize the Hararis to participate in this historical event & to respond to the national call. As of now, the Harrais in Toronto formed a 13 member "mobilizing committee," and in the Washington, D.C. area a 5 member "mobilizing committee" has been formed. In Atlanta area, a meeting is being tentatively scheduled to convene on Sunday, January 28th, 2007; Dallas, Memphis, California area is in process of setting similar "mobilizing committee," Insha-Allah, the plan is to complete formation of the "mobilizing committee" throughout the State by mid February 2007.

The role of "mobilizing committees" will be as follows:

1) Arrange & solicit the cheapest air fare for our people;

2) Arrange & take part in participating in U.S. Harari days/Canadian Harari Days/Europe Harari Days/Australians Harari days etc.; soccer tournaments, other sport activities; and symposium as well;

3) Identify & mobilize the Hararis to volunteers to plant 1,000 new trees; renovate old Harari homes. And any other tasks that might be needed and interested to volunteer...

4) Register names of Hararis who are interested in acquiring land for residential and/or business purposes so as to facilitate the process when they get to Harar.

Note: The role of this mobilizing committee is ad hoc, and as such its term shall be completed on the completion of the historical “Harar 2007" celebration. Let it be known to all that neither the Harari government, nor the mobilizing committees intends to replace the traditional work of the Federation.

However, as the President mentioned several times during his North America tour last year, the Harari Government will be glad to review and mediate any outstanding issues among our people in the diaspora if the request is made in writing.

It is for the benefit of the Harari people to work in unison and to avoid unnecessary bickering over trivial issues for the greater benefit of Harar and her people. We should all focus in implementing our long term plans for the survival of our heritage. It is a historical moment after many years of disbursement and wondering for Hararis all over the world to come together for a common cause, responding to maintain, and promoting National interest. Therefore, we appeal to all Hararis to respond and take part in this historic effort.

Security Concern:
Many Hararis legitimately raised the Security concern while President Murad was touring North America and thereafter, the answer given then & now by the President is "...if need be, in addition to police and other security personnel in place, the Harari Government can request, the National Ethiopian Defense Military to maintain law and order. We are the war & peace generation. We have lived the toughest dark history of past, "red terror, Ogaden war, the fall of derg regime, etc." And currently there are no clear, credible war that is imminent in the streets of Addis, Dire-Dawa or Harar. As the president said, in spite of security personnel with all resources available to the East/West, it is inconceivable to eliminate all possible criminal activities but that the Harari state will do all that is possible to secure the event with the help of the Almighty Allah. After all, we the Muslims put our faith first & foremost in the protection of almighty Allah, and do every thing humanly possible to secure the safety of all of our citizen and our guests.

Awach Ziyara Event

Out of many Awach, at least 10 Major awach has been selected (by organizing team in conjunction with Harari elders recommendation);

And first phase of the Ziyara project was put for trial at the time of "Shuwal Eid" and it’s amazingly joyful, and successful; In doing so, all forgotten Awach’s social, religious activities and the legacy of these exemplary Harari Awach can be revived, retained, and pass on their contribution to the future Hararis, insha-Allah for years to come. The organizing teams said they might allocate the people to various Awach according to their interest and as need basis. And insha-Allah, post the Ziyara, the linkage with the chosen Awach should continue (without imposing any obligation, exclusively these should be on free will and volunteer basis).

Harari Days & Symposium

The organizing teams have great appreciations to those who initiated these very important "Harari Days." And, since this is by now international Harari days, (meaning Hararis are coming from different parts of the world) the organizing teams, urging each Harari communities to specifically state the program detail they would like to organize and it recommend to coordinate as follow:

U.S. Harari day, (all major communities in U.S. need to work collaboratively together and organize the U.S. Harari day;

Canadian Harari day, similarly all major communities/afocha’s to organize Harari Canadian day;

Europe Harari day, all major Harari communities in Europe to organize the Harari Europe day;

Australians Harari day, all major Harari communities/ Afocha’s to organize the Australian Harari day.

Dire Dawa, Addis Ababa & Harar (Motherland) Harrari day.

Recommendation: To the Hararis in Diasporas:

In Addition what has been mentioned above, additional things might be done is: What gift can each Harari community bring to Harari People:

1) Two ways radio communications tools; Mobile radio, TV? station, books, computers, and soft wares for Harari school children, computers, scanners and printers for some needed offices; sponsor specific project of their interest such as but not limited to; sponsoring Harari orphans children; target selected very needed families to be self sufficient, in farming, milking, trade; or sponsoring 100 Harari youth to get marriage etc....


Those who want to provide any services to the public, must obtain written permission from the Harari Government, and submit their written proposals as what they want to sell, or provide services by February 28th 2007, and will be treated in first come first served basis.

Historical Shawal Eid:

What make this year's Shawal Eid unigue in Harar is "the returning of our disbursed lost generations, the Siltay old Harari people." The celebration of Shuwal Eid started on Sunday at around 5:00 PM (local time) about 50 Toyota Land Cruise carrying Harari high level Government officials including President Murad went to Danagago about 25 Killo Meter from Harar, and welcomed our Siltay brothers(about 300 Siltays who came from Addis Ababa) headed by President Sani Radi, escorted by Harari Police motorists and was welcomed to the city of Harar with military pride..and fire work....words can not describes the seen and the joy.....President Murad hosted a dinner for the guests and delivered very important speech stressing the need to reunite the two disconnected people. Similarly, President Sani Radi reiterated and he said the Harari people are no longer small in numbers, all Siltas are Hararis, and we are returning to our motherland.."

The Harari & Siltay HIstorians presented at Amira Abdullahi Auditoriyam historical background, it mentioned over 800 words identical to Harari language and we recommend the Harari cultural bureau to prepare the DVD on this historical Shwal Eid so that all Hararis who missed this historical moment, can review and learn the entire activities.....

Both Presidents formed "jointly a task force" to study ways and means to re unify the same people.In this century, we have seen the reunification of South & North Yemen, the East & West Germany, and insha-Allah one day we want to see all Hararis "re united" with their motherland.

New Hotel (Heritages Plaza)

The owner of Heritage Plaza, Dr.Abduljawad Addous, inaugurated his hotel and invited 1000 high level officials including the Siltay guests and Masha-Allah was very joyful. We wish him a successful business......

The next day, the Harari women association cooked over 50 different (even forgotten dishs) foods, the lunch to all guest free of charges (Masha-Allah, our people are very generous, as Ikarm aldoyouf (hospitality to the guest) is a proper Islamic ethics...May Allah immensely reward all those who cooked, served, contributed their time and money.

Also, President Murad inaugurated "Harari youth Center, and HIV information Center." Both centers are very timely needed. As one great Muslim scholar put it "...if you want to make any assesment as where the country and it's people's future are going, he said come and see where the youth spend their energy & time.The scholar continue to say, if you find the youth spend their time in ^Ibadah, mastering the basic Islamic studies well,learning matters to dunia to benefit the Ummah (Nation),engage in recreational and all socio ecnomic activities, he said such youth's contribution to the Ummah (the Nation) insha-Allah might have promissing future.....We commend President Murad for taking timely needed actions. The Hararis in diaspora in particular ought to supply the centers with educational materials as early as possible.......

Finally,1st) Please frequently visit the Harari government official web site for weekly update at:; 2nd I want to thank President Murad for his leadership, his cabinet for their diligently and hard work, and all of my colleagues (who are working as late as 2:AM at the time) reviewing and working matters essentials to our people......

Again, our motherland has called every one of us, and let us all say in one voice "Labayk Ya Harar Baday" and mobilize our resources to show our collective efforts and be part of this historical and memorable event - insha-Allah for years to come.....And May Allahu T^ala help us achieve our DREAM, Help us become united, and together insha-Allah, we will make a difference...

Your brother in Islam,
Salah Wazir
Atlanta, Georgia

The 120th anniversary of chelenko martyr's day was commemorated

The 120th anniversary of chelenko martyr's day was commemorated in Harar on Sunday January 14/2007. Representatives of different government and social organizations were assembled in Amir Abdulahi auditoriam in commemoration of chelenko martyr's day. Speaking on the occasion, Gisti Shukria Ahmed, vise speaker of Harari National Congress, said that this commemoration day of chelenko remembered us our fore fathers who fought for their independence boldly. In the past defunct regimes, our people's right was denied, Gisti Shukria added. She also said that this year's chelenko commemoration day is special in that we are preparing for the upcoming Harar and Ethiopian Millennium. It was after 114 years of torture that the Harari people recovered and regained their independence that otherwise was denied, Gisti Shukria vise speaker of Harari National congress added. Gessi Abdusamed Idris who is senior expert in the Harari National Congress addressed the gathering. He said that chelenko war was one of many reasons that limited the Harari population. So, we will continue to commemorate this day so as to remember who our fore fathers shed their blood, Gessi Abdusamed added. In this occasion students of Gey Madressa sang different songs /neshidas/. At the end of the occasion, Chelenko martyrs monument foundation was laid by Gisti Shukria Ahmed, vice speaker of Harari region lower house and Gessi, Abdumalike Baker Harari people State Council speaker . The monument will be erected in the main square of Faras Magala in front of Amir Abdulah auditoriam.

Association provides reproductive health services

HARAR - The Eastern branch office of the Family Guidance Association of Ethiopia said it has provided reproductive health services to over 840,000 people during 2006.

Branch office head, Alemayehu Belachew told ENA that the branch has provided the service in East and West Hararghe zones, the Dire Dawa interim administration, as well as Harari and Somali states.

Over 22,000 newly registered customers received short and long-term contraceptives, he said, adding, over 6,700 people have undergone voluntary testing and counseling services during the stated period.

He said the branch has further enabled over 12,000 people get awareness raising education on HIV/AIDS, harmful traditional practices and family planning through community discussions.

Alemayehu said the office provided the services through six clinics, youth centres, 22 stations as well as community centred reproductive health service stations set up in 114 localities through 278 health representatives.

The branch office is undertaking various activities in the current year allocating over 4.3 million birr.


Investors receive licence

HARAR – Investors with a registered capital of over 181.3 million birr have been licensed in Harari State during the past six months, the Investment Office said.

Office Head Abduselam Abdosh said recently that the 44 local investors are interested in engaging in industry, real estate development, agriculture, health, education and construction, among others.

Upon going operational, the projects would create permanent and casual jobs for over 1,000 citizens, he added.

The registered capital during the stated period exceeded that of same period last year by 119 million birr, according to the head.

Abduselam attributed the growth to the efficient service delivery of the office.

The office is also encouraging the licensed investors to begin construction, he added.

The State Investment Office has licensed investors with over 523.4 million birr capital in the past five years creating 3,118 permanent and casual jobs, it was learnt.


Tuesday, January 16, 2007

8.4 million Birr Income Obtained Form Tourist

350 Million Birr Construction Of Residential Buildings Underway

Monday, January 15, 2007

71 Hectares of Land Reserved For Investments

Bus Accident Injured People and Damaged Property

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Over 35,600 children immunized against polio

HARAR – The Harari State Health Bureau said that it has vaccinated over 35,600 children against polio.

Bureau Public Relations Expert Atnafe Tena said the bureau carried out the five-day immunization campaign in 36 urban and rural kebeles of the state this month.

Some 35,667 children under the age of five have been immunized, according to Atnafe.

The expert also stated that 120 health workers took part in the immunization campaign and over 31,000 birr obtained from the World Health Organization (WHO) was also utilized.

Meanwhile, the bureau launched Saturday a six-day immunization campaign in 36 sub-kebeles to reach over 29,000 children, he further stated.

Vitamin A tablets and anti-worm medicines would be apportioned among children and measles vaccination would be carried out. Malnourished children would also be give nutritious food, the expert added.

More than 29,000 children would benefit from the campaign, according to him.


Agency launches construction of condos

HARAR – The construction of 1,034 condominiums that would be finalized in four years has been launched in Harar town with over 350 million birr, the Harari State Housing Development Agency said.

Agency Manager Abdulhakim Abdulmalik told WIC that of the total condominiums to be built in the region this fiscal year, the construction of 180 condominiums commenced in Deker Kebele last Saturday.

The condominiums would be built on over 7.3 hectares with infrastructure in the fiscal year, he added.

Upon completion of those 1,034 households would secure residential units.

The construction work will also create 4,400 permanent and casual jobs to organized youth, according to the manager.

Some 10 per cent of the condominium houses would be business enterprises which could help residents increase their income.

The Bureau envisages constructing over 8,140 condominiums in the coming four years, Abdulhakim said, adding that more than 350 million birr has been allocated for the execution of the project.