Sunday, November 25, 2007

Harari Congress

Ethio-Harar Muday Alem Hufuq ZiHarari Kilahot Arra
(Pal talk discussion forum)
Report Submitted by; The Volunteer Group of 10 Hararis in Pal Talk.
November 26, 2007.

THE VISION; to speak as one voice on behalf of All Hararis in Diaspora based on the principle of “No Harari Left Behind”, and, by ensuring the Fundamental Right of each Harari to Participate, the Right to Contribute, and the Right to Elect and get Elected to “The Harari Congress” irrespective of the person’s affiliation to any Afocha or Mugad Organizations.

THE BACKGROUND; We Hararis rather appear to be unconnectedly organized by Community/ Afocha, Jammas/Mugads or interest groups. As the result, we were not able to pull our resources together effectively and function on vital matters affecting our Harari Nation as well as our very own survival as a Nation.

THE CONGRESS; the Road to the Congress; On August 19, 2007, Ten participants of Ethio-Harar Muday Alem Hufuq ZiHarari Kilahot Arra (Pal Talk Forum) volunteered to discuss and return with a recommendation on an organizational model for Hararis at an international level, with the intention that the Core Harari Kilahot Arra (Pal Talk Forum) would then discuss the merits of the recommendation and decide either to adopt or reject the group’s recommendation put into view.
In the last few months, the Harari Kilahot Arra Forum volunteers opened-up public consultation on the recommendation put into view asking for inputs, and more importantly to raise the awareness level of Hararis in Diaspora regarding the significance of establishing a Congress.
Despite the consensus built around the idea of establishing a Congress initially, there were a great deal of discussions on how to go about establishing the congress, the volunteer organizers and the Pal talk core circle finally came to an agreement to go forward with a new initiative to include ALL Hararis in the process whether they are affiliated to any of Harari Organizations or not.

Thus far, the discussions and the Consultation process has generated a lot of interest and a chain of positive reactions among the vast majority of Hararis in Diaspora and brought about many excellent ideas worth considering. Moreover, it became the litmus test that asserted our determination to get organized under one, all inclusive, umbrella organization.
Finally on Sunday, November 18, 2007, the clock to establish the first International Harari Congress in Diaspora, hereafter known as “The Congress “begun ticking at 6:00 PM (EST) around the globe under the principle of “No Harari Left Behind”,
Congress defined as a supreme body of Hararis in Diaspora, with long term objectives and authority to render decisions at an executive level that endeavors to assist in the Political, Economic and Social affairs of our nation. The congress is envisioned to guarantee and respect the Fundamental Right of each and every Harari to participate, the right to contribute, and the right to elect and get elected irrespective of his/her affiliation to any Mugad or Afocha organizations.
In light of the urgency and importance to establish the Congress, we, All Hararis in Diaspora have an obligation to participate in a Call of our Nation to stand by, and lend our unwavering support in every conceivable way to advance our nation’s political, economical and social causes.
We firmly believe that no amount of excuses will justify the abstinence of any Harari from participating towards this noble and civil duty due to the envisioned Congress’s representation to ALL HARARIS in Diaspora. Hence, we urge each and every one of you, male and female over the age of 18 to participate and effectively contribute toward this initiative.
Please exercise your right to participate, your right to contribute and your right to elect or get elected to a Harari Congress whether you are presently affiliated to any Harari organization or not. Your proactive participation and contribution will make a difference in the future state of our Harari Nation.
As we proceed forward, we invite more volunteers globally to draft the framework of the envisioned Congress and to develop a DATA BASE of Membership by initiating a formal and informal communication with Afochas and other Hararis organizations soon.
Thank You
The Volunteers of Ethio-Harar Muday Alem Hufuq ZiHarari Kilahot Arra.

Tuesday, November 06, 2007




OCT. 29, 2007

Shawal Eid was celebrated among the Harari Community in Addis Ababa colorfully on Sunday October 29, 2007. The event which was held during the day included Mewlid, speeches and interviews and Harari Cultural and modern songs. . Lunch was served at the event. The main organizers of the event were Harai Women League of Addis Ababa .

Although shawal Eid is a controversial holiday to celebrate, one of the elders at the event announced the importance of the event in keeping our cultural heritage and for the community to come together and stick together. Hararis strength and their survival has all depended on their sticking to the culture which was based Islamic principles. During the past the Shwal Eid event has been a means for people to come to know each other and also a pathway for newly weds.

The event's main focus was on the young generation where the message was passed to exert utmost effort in transferring the history culture and language of the Harari People for generation to come. Education was also crucially pointed out for young Hararis to lead their nation in the age of information and technology.

The event was attended by the President of Harar, President Murad Abdullahi, other Harari high authority figures, also Awach and Ayach of the Harari community in Addis as well as most of the community at large

Harari State to execute over 72mln birr dev’t projects

Harar, November 05, 2007 (WIC) - Harari State said it would construct various projects with over 72 million birr this fiscal year.

Finance and Economic Development Bureau Head, Arif Abdulhazif, told WIC that the projects would be carried out in six urban and three rural kebeles beginning this month.

He said the projects focus on education, urban development, agriculture, water, health, capacity building.

Upon completion at the end of this fiscal year, the 41 projects would benefit more than 100,000 residents, according to Arif.

He said the majority of the projects which would be carried out by 14 executive offices and nine kebele administrations are new.

The head further said of the budget earmarked for the execution of the projects,30 million birr was allotted for the construction of a new asphalt road.

The budget allocated for the execution of the projects this budget year exceeded that of last year by 22 million birr, it was indicated.
(c) Walta Information Center, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia