ERCS announces 10.7 mln. birr natural disaster support programme
Addis Ababa - The Ethiopian Red Cross Society (ERCS) says it has embarked on a major new programme to support people affected by natural disaster in different states of the country, with a more than 10.7 million fund secured from the European Commission Humanitarian Office (ECHO).
ERCS signed the contract with ECHO to implement an Emergency Drought Preparedness Intervention in the most drought-prone states - Oromia, Harari, Southern Nations, Nationalities and Peoples State and Afar and respond to flood victims in the Amhara State in north and South Gondar zones.
The main aim of the project is to enable the ERCS in partnership with the local communities to respond swiftly and efficiently to needs arising from recurrent droughts within the sector of water and thereby reducing the incidents of negative coping mechanisms within local communities in targeted areas. The project is accomplished in collaboration with the Danish Red Cross.
The project, which started in October 2006 and runs for 12 months, is expected to reach an estimated 120,000 people, including pastoralists and farmers.
Another three-month project sets out to cater for the needs of flood victims through the provision of seeds and tools, construction of 56 shallow wells, training on Participatory Hygiene and Sanitation Transformation (PHAST), community participation and capacity building, empowerment of women and mobilization of ERCS volunteers.
The aid will benefit more than 37,000 dwellers, with a particular focus on female-headed households in North and South Gondar zones, it said.
The project will be implemented within the overall framework of the Government’s drought response strategies and closely coordinated with relevant line ministries.
ERCS signed the contract with ECHO to implement an Emergency Drought Preparedness Intervention in the most drought-prone states - Oromia, Harari, Southern Nations, Nationalities and Peoples State and Afar and respond to flood victims in the Amhara State in north and South Gondar zones.
The main aim of the project is to enable the ERCS in partnership with the local communities to respond swiftly and efficiently to needs arising from recurrent droughts within the sector of water and thereby reducing the incidents of negative coping mechanisms within local communities in targeted areas. The project is accomplished in collaboration with the Danish Red Cross.
The project, which started in October 2006 and runs for 12 months, is expected to reach an estimated 120,000 people, including pastoralists and farmers.
Another three-month project sets out to cater for the needs of flood victims through the provision of seeds and tools, construction of 56 shallow wells, training on Participatory Hygiene and Sanitation Transformation (PHAST), community participation and capacity building, empowerment of women and mobilization of ERCS volunteers.
The aid will benefit more than 37,000 dwellers, with a particular focus on female-headed households in North and South Gondar zones, it said.
The project will be implemented within the overall framework of the Government’s drought response strategies and closely coordinated with relevant line ministries.